The Importance of Politeness When Dealing with Prospective Employers ~ ACTIVE JOB24

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The Importance of Politeness When Dealing with Prospective Employers

As you are looking to find a new job, you will likely come into contact with a number of different individuals, likely from a number of different companies.  No matter whom you are dealing with, it is important that you are polite at all times.  For more information on the importance of politeness, when dealing with prospective employers, you will want to read on.

One of the best ways to understand the importance of politeness is to put yourself in someone else’s place.  For starters, imagine yourself as the hiring manager for a local retail store.  If you were to come into contact with two job applicants, one of which who responded with “please” and “thank you,” and another that acted as if speaking to you was just a waste of their time, which individual would you be more likely to hire?  It is likely that you would respond with the candidate who was polite.  It is no secret that employers do not want to hire those who are impolite or have bad matters.

One of the many reasons why it is important for companies to hire polite and compassionate people is because their employees can either make or break their business.  This is particularly true when direct customer contact is required.  In keeping with the retail setting, retailers want and need employees who are warm, welcoming, and inviting.  An employee with a poor attitude can cause customers to take their business elsewhere. That is why it is important to be polite when dealing with all prospective employers, no matter which type of industry you are interested in working in.

It is also important to mention that you should be polite at all times and to whomever you come into contact with. Unfortunately, many job seekers make this mistake.  Many mistakenly believe that the only person they need to impress is the individual conducting the job interview. 
Yes, most of your focus and politeness should be focused on your job interview, but you need to keep other instances in mind.  For instance, should you drop off a job application or a resume, it is advised that you greet the acceptor in a pleasant and positive matter.  It is not uncommon for some employees to pass word on to their supervisors about poor experiences they had with those dropping off applications or resumes.

Should you receive a call asking to schedule an interview, there is a good chance that the supervisor conducting the interview will not be the one on the telephone with you.  Often times assistants or secretaries handles these types of scheduling issues.  This is something that shouldn’t impact your behavior or demeanor when speaking to the individual in question though.  That is why it important that you are polite to whomever you may be speaking with on the phone.  Whether you are dealing with a secretary or an assistant manager, it is advised that you are polite as possible.  Answering another telephone call, not saying “thank you,” or quickly ending the phone call can land you in hot water.

The above mentioned scenarios are a few of the many situations in which it is important to be polite when looking for a job.  As a reminder, politeness comes in a number of different sizes, shapes, and styles.  In most cases, saying “please,” and “thank you,” should be enough for those of importance to take notice.


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