June 2016 ~ ACTIVE JOB24

Job Search, Career, Self Improvement, Wealth Creation Tips and Much More....


Resume vs. CV: The Difference

A resume is a concise (brief and to the point) document. It provides a quick summary of one's most valuable skills, experiences and qualifications as they relate to a particular career or a specific position one is applying for, typically not longer than one or two pages. A resume have to be altered for each position that one is applying for so as to emphasize those skills and experiences most relevant to the position. A typical resume should include the following information: Name and Contact Information, Education, Work Experience, Skills and References. To keep information concise, resumes often include bulleted lists.

Curriculum Vitae
A Curriculum Vitae (CV, means "course of life" in Latin) is a comprehensive document that can be over three pages and include information on one’s academic background, including teaching experience, research, degrees, publications, awards, honours, presentations, and other achievements. It’s meant to establish your position as an expert in your field. The document is organised in sequence according to time and makes it easy to get an overview of an individual’s full working career. The size of a CV increases as one grows in career. Normally, CVs are longer than resumes. A CV doesn't change for different positions, it is static. A typical CV should include the following information: Name and Contact Information, Areas of Interest, Education, Employment and Experience, Publications and Presentations, Grants, Honors and Awards, Scholarly or Professional Memberships and References.

Both CV and Resume are meant:
• for job application
• to persuade an employer or a supervisor to consider one for a position
• to represent one as the right fit for a job/contract
• to get an interview

Major Differences:
The three major differences between a resume and CV are the length, the purpose and the content.
• Resume aim to summarize key information (very short) and are usually 1 to 2 pages maximum while CV aim to provide comprehensive information (covers one's entire career) and are often long, normally 5, 10, 15 or more pages.
• Resume have no particular format rule, therefore, it's highly customisable while CV is static.
• Resume is used to apply for position in company, industry, public and non-profit sector while CV is used to apply for positions in academia, grants and fellowships.
• The resume is made to fit each position or for specific need whereas the CV will stay put
• Resume is a brief, targeted list of skills and achievements while CV is a full record of one's career history
• Resume is focused on non-academic work (skills, knowledge and accomplishments) while CV is focused on academic work (teaching and research).

I hope this will help you to determine what you need for your next job application. If this is of help to you leave a comment. You can also add more differences so we can all learn.

Questions to Ask Potential Employers During Interviews

For many job seekers, the interview process is the most difficult to get through. If you are nervous about an upcoming interview or one that you will likely have scheduled soon, the best thing that you can do is prepare. For example, it is advised that you prepare a list of questions to ask all interviewers.

At the end of an interview, hiring manager always gives opportunity for candidate to pose their question. However, this often strikes fear into the candidate. As a result, most candidates answer NO when asked if they have any questionwrong answer. It is important to ask questions to understand what is going on in the company, what is expected of you on the job and how you can add value. These questions can help to improve the flow of a job interview.

In addition to helping improve the flow of a job interview, there are a number of other benefits to having a list of questions prepared to ask all companies that are in the process of interviewing you. While this may seem a little silly, as you are the one who should be getting interviewed, you will want to ask anyways.  Asking questions during a job interview can create a great impression of yourself. For instance, if you ask about the ability to advance within the company, you may end up showing responsibility, initiative, and readiness.

Now that you know the benefits of asking questions during your next interview, you may be curious as to which questions you would ask. One of easiest questions that you can and should ask involves job duties and tasks. You will want to learn as much as you can about the position in which you are applying for.  Even if you were already given an overview of the job, you may want to ask additional questions. These questions may include the busiest times of the day, will your workload increase after time, and so forth.

Another one of the many questions that you will want to ask an employer during a job interview is if there is room for advancement. If you are interesting in not only increasing your salary, but also increasing your position, you will want to work at a company that is known for their advancement, as well as their promotions from within. In addition to determining if the company in question can possibly provide you with long-term employment, it can also help to create a good impression of yourself. Asking about promotions and advancements shows that you are looking to be successful and successful is what most employers want.

The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many questions that you may want to consider asking the individual or individuals who are hosting your job interview. To ensure that you are able to impress your interviewers, you may want to make a list of a few of the questions that you would like to ask in a job interview ahead of time. Avoid asking personal questions and questions about benefits. Reviewing this list in the days or hours leading up to your job interview can be of great assistance to you.

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The Benefits of Mock Interviews

Speaking of job interviews, have you ever had one and when was it?  If it has been awhile since your last job interview or you are heading to your first ever interview, you may want to consider doing a few practice runs. These practice runs are commonly referred to as mock interviews. Although mock interviews may seem a little bit silly, there are a number of benefits to doing them.

One of the benefit to doing mock interviews before a real job interview is your options. Most job seekers try to use their friends and family members for practice. If this an approach that you would like to take, you will want to have your partner ask you common job interview questions, such what your strengths and weaknesses are. Be sure to answer with professional responses, just as if you would in real job interview. You can also do a mock interview in front of your mirror. While this approach isnt as realistic, it can help you practice your intended interview questions.

Another one of the many benefits to doing mock interviews, before you have a real interview, is the practice that you will receive. It is no secret that job interviews can be nerve-wracking. Even if this isnt your first job interview, they can still cause you nervousness. Many job seekers find that holding mock job interviews with their friends or family members helps to ease the nervousness often associated with job interviews. In fact, many also have reported a slight increase in confidence.

Preparation is another one of the many benefits of mock interviews. The goal of a mock or practice interview is to help you prepare for an upcoming job interview. This preparation may include answering common interview questions in a timely matter, giving a proper greeting, as well as departing properly from a job interview.  If this is your first job interview or if you havent attend a job interview in awhile now, you may be unsure as to how the process will proceed.  Mock interviews are not only a great way to calm your nerves, but they can also give you guidance, which can help you sail through your next job interview like a breeze.

If you are able to do a mock interview with a close friend or family member, you may get a number of pointers. Using other individuals, especially those who are known for their unbiased opinions is the best way to examine your job interview approach. If your friends or family members have any suggestions, like tips on how you can improve your answers, you may want to consider their suggestions. In, fact, you may learn something new or important by doing a mock interview with your friends or family members.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to doing a mock interview with a close friend or family member. As a reminder, it is also possible for you to practice in front of a mirror, but you may have the best luck with someone who can give you feedback or provide you with helpful suggestions.

Job Interviews: What You Shouldnt Discuss

Job interviews, although nerve-wracking, are often a lot easier than originally thought.  With that in mind, there are preparation steps that you can and should take to ensure that your next job interview is a successful one.

What not to say is one of the most important tips that you should remember when looking to prepare for an upcoming job interview. While there are some topics that need to be discussed during a job interview, there are also others that should be left out of the conversation. For more information on what you should or shouldnt discuss at one of your upcoming job interviews, you will want to continue reading on.

Your personal life is one of the many topics that you should refrain from discussing at one of your upcoming job interviews. For instance, you should not talk about your family, personal problems or any friends that you may have. If you are asked if you are a parent, you should respond, as well as answer any other questions, but you have to try and refrain from brining up the topic yourself.  Try as much as possible to keep your personal and professional lives separate.

Another one of the many topics that you should refrain from discussing at job interviews is bad experiences at past jobs. For starters, your information may be deemed as gossip. You will also have to refrain from divulging important information about your past employer, especially if they can be considered competitors. Simply taking the high road and avoiding any topics that have to deal with poor experiences at your previous places of employment should help your public perception.

Additionally, you should also refrain from speaking poorly about any of your former supervisors. No matter if your boss was in the wrong, avoid speaking about the conflict. But dont lie if asked, rather you should at least use your best judgment. You have to show all prospective employers that you have respect for management, even if you dont like the management members.

Another of it is that you have to proceed with caution during your job interviews if you were ever terminated from a job. Discussing a job in which you were terminated from may not work in your best interest so it is better to avoid it totally if you can. With that in mind, it is important to examine the reason for your termination. Anything serious such as sexual harassment or theft may want to be avoided during a job interview. However, if you will receive a background check, this information may come into light anyways. Once again, you should use your best judgment.

Bad pay is another topic that you should refrain from discussing in upcoming job interviews.  It is not uncommon for pay to be discussed during a job interview. With that in mind, should you find the starting salary to be lower than you may have thought, you will have to keep your composure.  It would be impolite for you to leave in the middle of your interview or complain about the pay. What you may want to do, instead, is spin it in a somewhat positive matter that can still display your disapproval. You may want to consider asking about the other benefits, like sick days or vacation days, which can be used as other forms of compensation.

The above mentioned topics are just a few of the many topics that you will have to leave out at your next job interview. Of course, during a job interview it is important to answer all questions asked, but just be cautious with your answers and do not divulge more information than needed.

Interview Appearance Tips

Haven gone through the first stage in your job hunting and your resume or application scaled through to the second stage. You may be in the process of scheduling job interviews. In fact, you may even have a number of job interviews already lined up. If that is the case, have you started preparing for your job interviews? Job interviews can be tricky and extremely important at the same time. That is why you are advised to proceed with caution and refrain from walking into a job interview without having done even the simplest amount of preparation.

One of the biggest mistakes that a job seeker makes when it comes to job interviews involves their appearance, namely the clothing that they choose to wear. When it comes to a job interview, it is important to remember professionalism, professionalism, and professionalism again. In fact, professionalism cannot be said enough when it comes to job interviews. Your appearance, namely the clothes that you choose to wear, says a lot about you, your seriousness, and your professionalism. The worse mistake that you can make is showing up for a job interview like you were simply taking a trip to the mall. Not carefully planning out your appearance, especially your clothes, can have you eliminated from the job running instantly.

Although it is important to hear that you need to dress professionally for a job interview, you may be curious as to why it is so important to do so. As previously stated, your appearance; the clothes that you wear, can say a lot about yourself and your personality.  Professional clothes, such as a dress or a paints suit, shows that you are serious about the job and making a good impression. Your professionalism and responsibility will also be brought into light as well. You may be surprised to know that many job interviewers remember the appearance of their applicants, namely the clothes, before all else.

If you are serious about finding a job or landing your dream job, you will want to dress professional in nature. With that in mind, different individuals have different definitions of professionalism. When trying to determine what you should wear to a job interview, there are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration.  For instance, it is advised that men try and wear dress pant suit sets. This is ideal; however, if the temperature is ninety degrees outside, it may be difficult or impossible for you to do so.  In that instance, you may want to opt for a light pair of tan pants and a golf shirt.  In the same instance, women should consider wearing knee length skirts instead of full length skirts and so forth.

In addition to dressing professionally for a job interview, you may want to consider doing the same for you submission process.  If you will be submitting your job applications or resumes in person, it is advised that you dress in a professional matter.  This is because you may get the opportunity to quickly meet with the supervisor who will be handling all job interviews. This is your best opportunity to make a good first impression of yourself.  It is also important to mention that many supervisors, especially those in retail, choose to give job interviews right on the spot. That is why you may want to dress as if you were attending a job interview, even when just submitting your job applications and resumes.

Although you may have a suitable outfit in your closet already, you may want to consider going shopping.  In fact, you may also want to consider making an appointment at your local barber shop or hair salon. If you have the funds needed to do so, you may want to purchase a new job interview outfit or have your hair trimmed. You may be surprised, but these simple steps can uplift your confidence like you would never believe. This confidence can help you successfully breeze through your next job interview.


Interview Preparation Tips to Help You Make a Good Impression

If you have submitted your application or resume to quite a number of companies, you will likely find yourself with a number of job interviews scheduled. Whether your are a starter or you have been out of work for sometime now or if your last employment was long-term, you may be a little bit nervous about soon-to-be upcoming job interviews. If you are, you are definitely not alone. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to prepare yourself for success.

If you have the financial means needed to do so, you may want to consider buying yourself a new job interview outfit or getting your hair done, even with just a simple trim. Many have claimed that a quick hair style or a new outfit has increased their confidence. This increased confidence may be just what you need to breeze through your upcoming job interviews with success. Even if you do not have the financial means needed to purchase a new outfit or have your hair styled, you may want to turn to a close friend or family member for assistance, possibly for the borrowing of professional attire.

Another one of the many steps that you can take to make a good impression at your next interview involves researching common job interview questions. There are a number of books on the market that are designed to assist those with finding new jobs.  Many of these books include job interview tips, including questions that may be asked.  Familiarizing yourself with questions that you may be asked, such as questions surrounding your strengths, weaknesses, goals, and so forth, can help to improve your response time, as well as ease any nervousness that you may have.

In addition to researching or familiarizing yourself with questions that you may be asked during a job interview, you may want to hold a few practice or mock interviews. These practice sessions can be done in front of a mirror or they can be done with the assistance of a close friend or family member.  You will want to treat all job interview practice sessions like they are the real thing.  Be sure to answer all questions in a professional matter, as if you were in a real job interview.

Another steps that you can take, when looking to prepare for an upcoming interview that you may have scheduled, involves printing off an extra copy of your resume.  This makes you look prepared, in more ways than one. Although the interviewer should already have a copy of your resume on hand, it wouldn’t hurt to ask them if they would like to see a new copy.  You may also want to bring along a pen and a notebook. These items can be used to write down information about the employer or job position in question. Once again, this proves that you are serious about finding a secure job and it should show that you will go through great lengths to find that job.

You will also want to take the time to research the company in question. This is ideal if they have an online website. You can impress your interviewer if you know about the company, even just a little bit.  Researching each company that you have an interview with should only take a few minutes of your time, a few hours at the most. The basic information, such as the goals of the company and where their main headquarters are located is often enough to grab the attention of your interviewer.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many steps that you can take to prepare for an upcoming interview or a job interview that you will likely have scheduled soon.  Preparation can do you no harm, only good.  Additional preparation steps that you may want to take include arriving early for your job interview, properly thanking everyone for your time and so forth.

Spontaneous Job Interviews: What You Should Do

While in search of a job, you may enter a number of local establishments to submit a job application or your resume. Many professionals recommend submitting job applications and resumes in person whenever possible. You will have your resume accepted in most instances, and you will be told that you will be contacted for a job interview in the future. However, you may receive a spontaneous job interview in some instances. If and when that happen, do you know what you should do?

Before focusing on what you should do or how you should handle spontaneous job interviews, it is first important that you familiarize yourself with them. Spontaneous job interviews come in a number of different formats. For instance, a manager may ask you to come in for a job interview that that day or the following day. Although you are given some notice, many are unable to prepare as much as they would have liked to for an interview that is scheduled right away. Speaking of right away, you may also find yourself having a job interview right on the spot. This is not uncommon, especially in retail. Essentially, a spontaneous job interview is one that is schedule at the last minute or without a large notice.

As nice as last minute or spontaneous job interviews are, they can be scary and overwhelming for many. With that mind, you should know that there are both a number of advantages and disadvantages to spontaneous or last minute job interviews. One of those benefits is the need. If an employer is looking to interview you right on the spot or if they are looking to set up a job interview as soon as possible, there is a good chance that they need to hire an employee right away. This vital need can significantly increase your chances of getting a job. With that in mind, the biggest con or downside to spontaneous interviews or last minute job interviews is the lack of preparation.

Although spontaneous or last minute job interviews do make preparation difficult, there are a number of steps that you can take to prepare for them, just in case. For starters, you have to ensure that you are properly dressed. Even if you are just submitting your job application or your resume, you will have to make sure that your appearance is professional in nature, especially if you are submitting your resume or job application in person. A manager who decided to offer you a job interview right away should expect you to be a little bit unprepared, but why not take a few extra steps, like putting on a nice outfit, to show them that you can be prepared for just about anything.

As previously stated, many job seekers prefer spontaneous or last minute job interviews, while others tend to fear them. To prepare for the possibility of a spontaneous or a last minute job interview, you will have to take the time to do a little bit of preparation. This preparation may involve having a mock interview with your friends or family members, using the internet to research common job interview questions and so forth. Taking a few minutes or a few hours at the most, to prepare for a job interview, even if one has yet to be scheduled, will do no harm. In fact, it is likely that you would take these approaches later on, so why not get a little bit of a head start with doing so? To help you prepare for a job interview, click on “JIS” tab at the top of this site.

The above mentioned points are all points that you will need to take into consideration, when you decide to submit your resume or your job application in person. As nerve-wracking as last minute or spontaneous job interviews can be, you will want to refrain from turning any down, as they can, literally, be the opportunity of a lifetime.


Should You Complete Job Applications Online?

The internet is one of the easiest ways to go about examining career opportunities that may be waiting for you. It also present the easiest way to submit your resume or application.

There are a number of different options when it comes to using the internet to help you find a new job. Two of the most popular ways to examine job openings online involve visiting the online websites of companies that you may know of and by visiting websites that are commonly referred to as career search websites. What is nice about using these two online resources is that they are often easy to use, reliable, and successful. 

Another one of the many advantages to using online career search websites and company websites to find jobs is that you can often apply for those jobs instantly. Many career search websites are designed to allow you to search for a job in a specific industry, as well as search by a specific location. Should you find a job that meets your expectations or a job that you are well qualified for, you may be able to apply for the job right from the career search website. Many employers opt for this way of receiving job applications, as it can be much more unified in nature.

As previously stated, you can also find jobs by visiting the online websites of companies that you are familiar with. You can do this by performing a standard internet search with each company name. Many businesses with online websites have a careers or an employment section. This section can be used to examine all job openings. In addition to seeing what jobs are currently available, you may also be able to apply for those jobs with the same website.  It is common for you to be provided with a traditional application to fill out, with a specific location for your resume, which you should be able to copy and paste.

As outlined above, you have a number of different options, when it comes to applying for jobs online. You may even be provided with an email address, which you can use to submit your resume for a specific job opening. Although you can submit your job application and resume online, you may be curious as to whether or not you should do so. For starters, you will want to take the company’s preference into consideration. If they state that they will accept online resumes, but request that you send them through the postal service, you will have to do so.

There are also a few points that you will want to keep in mind, when submitting your job application or resume online. Unlike printed resumes and applications, you are unable to make changes as soon as you fill out and submit the form. That is why it is important that you thoroughly proofread all job applications and resumes that you choose to submit online. This is extremely important, as you do not want inaccurate information transmitted on your behalf. It is also advised that you fill out all parts of a job application and make sure that your resume keeps its original format intact.

Of course, the decision as to whether or not you want to apply for jobs online is your decision to make, in most cases.  If you decide to do so, just be sure that your information is accurate and complete and you should be good to go.


Should You Apply to All the Jobs That You Come Across?

When in search of a job and you start examining all of the open jobs around your area, you may be surprised with what you see. Depending on where you reside, you may have quite a number of job listings to sort through. Many individuals make the decision to apply to as many jobs as they possibly can, but should you do the same?

There are a number of important factors that you have to take into consideration when it comes to determining whether or not you should apply to all of the jobs that you come across. One of those factors is your work related experience, training, and education. This is essentially the career field that you specialize in. For instance, if you have experience working the legal field, a job listing for an electrical engineer may not be right for you, and visa versa. Also applying a job that requires higher qualification than your current level may not be a wise decision. While you want to apply for as many jobs as possible, you have to try and make sure that they are ones in your career field and that you are somewhat qualified for.

Location is another factor that you will have to take into consideration, when applying for jobs.  If you use your local newspaper to examine job listings, you will likely find that most job listings are for local positions only. On the other hand, if you use the internet (career searching or job posting websites), you may be presented with job listings from all across the country. As nice as a job may sound, you will have to refrain from applying for it if you cannot attend an interview or if you have no intention of relocating.

When trying to determine how many jobs you should apply for, your need for a job is another one of the many factors that you should take into consideration. You may need to find a job right away if you are currently unemployed and not receiving any unemployment compensation. This is particularly important if you have bills piling up or if you have a family to support. If that is the case, you may want to increase your chances of finding a job by applying for as many jobs as you can.  With that in mind, remember to only submit your resume or job application for job positions that you are somewhat qualified for.

The impression that you will end up creating is another factor that you will have to take into consideration, when looking to apply for as many jobs as possible. What you have to remember is that it can reflect poorly upon you if you are regularly found to be submitting job applications or resumes to companies that you are unqualified for or to every job a company have to offer, even those that you are not qualified for or are not in your field. It can be harmful to your good name and reputation. This is particularly important if you submit multiple job applications to the same company, but for different jobs, as described above.

The above mentioned points are points that you should take into consideration, when determining how many jobs to apply for and which ones. In all honesty, you are advised to just use your best judgment, as it is one of the best guides to follow.

Factors to Consider Before Applying for Temporary Jobs.

If you are in need of a job, you may be after your dream job. While everyone has their own variation of a dream job, you will find that most want steady work, flexible hours, and high pay. Unfortunately, not every job seeker is able to land their dream job or even a permanent job if that. When you are having difficultly finding employment, you may decide to opt for temporary jobs, but are they right for you?

There are a number of important factors that you should take into consideration when it comes to determining if you should apply for temporary jobs. These factors will help you make wise employment choices. A few of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when examining temporary jobs and temporary employment, are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the many factors that you have to take into consideration, when examining temporary employment, is your current employment status. Speaking of your current employment status, are you currently employed or are you unemployed? This answer is very important, as it will have an impact on whether or not temporary employment is right for you. As you likely already know, temporary jobs can last for as little as one week or as long as a few months. If you are currently employed, you may want to consider staying at your current job and searching for a more permanent job in your spare time. This is particularly important if you regularly find yourself having financial difficulties. It is important to remember that nothing is guaranteed with temporary employment.

In keeping with your current employment status, you may want to place a focus on temporary employment and temporary jobs if you are unemployed. This is ideal if you are unemployed and not receiving any financial assistance, such as unemployment. If you are in need of money, it is important that you do just about anything possible to find a job to help you support yourself and your family. This also includes examining temporary jobs in your area. What is ideal about temporary employment is that most employers understand that their temporary employees are searching for more permanent jobs. This makes it easier for you to cease your working relationship with a temporary employer, should another job offer greet you at any point in time.

When it comes to temporary employment, one of the most commonly asked question is how can I find temporary jobs? This leads to another important factor to take into consideration, when examining temporary employment. While there are some variations, you will find that employers who are looking for temporary employees turn to staffing firms that specialize in temporary employment. These staffing firms are also commonly referred to as temp agencies or temporary agencies.  Depending on where you reside, you should have access to one or two different temporary employment agencies. The assistance of a temporary agency should be free of charge; however, you may also be required to pay a small monthly service fee, depending on the agency that you choose to seek assistance from.

Another one of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when examining whether or not temporary employment is right for you, is health insurance. If you are currently employed, but looking for a new job, do you have health insurance? If you do and if you are unable to acquire health insurance through your spouse, should you have one, you may want to consider holding off on seeking temporary employment. This is because almost all temporary employers do not offer health insurance to their temporary employees. Unfortunately, this is a factor that many job seekers do not take into consideration. It is also important to mention that you may not gain access to other job benefits, such as sick pay, vacation time, and so forth.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many factors that you need to take into consideration, when examining temporary employment. Of course the decision is yours to make, but, for the most part, you will find that temporary employment is ideal for those who are currently unemployed and need money right away.

The Pros and Cons of Applying for Non-Advertised Jobs.

When in search of a new job there is a good chance that you would turn to the internet or local newspaper. While these are the best ways to go about finding information on available jobs, there are many job seekers who choose to submit resumes or job applications to those who are not hiring. Before you start taking this approach, you will want to examine the pros and cons of doing so.

Before examining the pros and cons of submitting a job application or your resume to a company that is not hiring, you may be curious as to how you can go about doing so. When taking this approach, you can use any of the two available options. In todays society, many businesses have online websites. These online websites may give the mailing address to the company in question. You can submit your resume to that address in hope of seeing success. Or you can simply mail in or drop off your resume or job application to local companies that you know the address to.

As for the pros and cons of applying for non-advertised jobs, you will discover that there are a number of pros or plus sides to doing so.  One of the pros or plus sides to submitting your resume or a job application to a company that does not advertise or state that they have any current job openings is the jumpstart that you can give yourself. While many companies will choose to takeout job advertisements when they have open positions, others will just go through their current pile of resumes and job applications.  If you play your cards right, one of those resumes or job applications may be yours.

Also, the impression that you may create of yourself is another one of the many pros to applying for non-advertised jobs. Many employers view the submission of job applications and resume as showing initiative. This is the type of impression that you want to create for yourself.  You want a prospective employer to be pleased with your wants and your need to have a job, namely with their company.

Although there are a number of pros and plus sides to applying to non-advertised jobs, there are also a number of cons or downsides to doing so as well. One of those downsides is the impression that you can make. Just as previously stated, some employers may view the submitting of a resume or a job application as showing initiative, but you may be surprised how others feel about the same action. In short, you may end up creating a bad name for yourself without meaning to do so. It is possible that some companies would view your submission of an unsolicited resume or job application as spam.

Additionally, another one of the cons or downsides to applying for non-advertised jobs is the response time. As previously stated, many companies choose to go through their pile of job applications and resumes.  One of these job applications and resumes can be yours, but you never know when you may end up getting a call for a job interview. You could receive a phone call in a few weeks, a few months, or even a year later. This may not be of any help to you if you are looking to find a new job now. With that in mind, you may have nothing to lose by submitting your resume or job application anyways. You may be surprised with a quick response time.

As outlined above, there are a number of pros and cons to submitting your job application or resume for a non-advertised position or company. Since the decision is yours to make, you will want to proceed with caution, as your intentions can swing both ways. That is why you should take the above mentioned factors into consideration when making your decision.

Should You Quit Your Job Before Finding a New One?

If you are unhappy with your current job, maybe because you are unsatisfied with your pay, with your position, with your supervisors, with your coworkers or you want to change career or location, you may be interested in seeking employment elsewhere. If you are interested in getting a new job, do you have a plan of action? If you not, then continue reading.
Naturally, the decision to quit your job, as well as when and how you do so, is your decision to make. With that in mind, it is very important to not put yourself, your family, or your finances in danger. That is why you should not quit your job until you at least have a plan of action in place. For many individuals, that plan of action should include a new job already lined up.
When it comes to leaving the workplace, you may wonder why it is so important for you to first have a new job lined up. In todays society, it has been reported that a higher percentage of people are living paycheck to paycheck. If you are one of those individuals and you impulsively quit your job, do you know what could happen? You may go weeks, possibly even months without a paycheck. This is one thing that many do not take into consideration, but you should as you will likely find yourself ineligible for unemployment compensation.

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, it is better you take the time to find a new job before submitting your resignation, no matter how unhappy you are with you current job. This is particularly important if you have a family to support. You will also want to make sure that you are able to pay your rent, as well as water bill, light bill any other bill that you may have. These are bills that many cannot live without. The last thing that you will want to do is risk losing your home.  This may seem like common sense, but many individuals do not always think of this aspect, especially when presented with a work related conflict.

Since it is advised that you do not submit your resignation until you have a new job lined up, you may be curious as to how you can go about doing so. It is more than possible for you to work full time and also search for a new job at the same time, though it may be a little bit difficult. You can easily do this thanks to lunch breaks, vacation pay, sick time, and the internet. The internet enables you to search for job openings at just about any point in time. Lunch breaks, vacation time, and sick days can be used to attend any job interviews that you may be awarded.

If you are financially stable enough to quit your job before you have a new one lined up, you may still want to proceed with caution. Give your employer at least two weeks notice. You may risk losing your current employer as a job reference if you are unable to do so. You have to keep this important point in mind most especially if you have worked at your current job for some time now. That is why you should try and give as much notice as possible, even if it is only two or three days.


The Importance of Examining Company Websites

When you are in need of a job, there is a good chance that you may turn to the internet, namely job posting websites, or use the employment section of your local newspaper.  While these are all nice approaches to take, when looking for a job, there is another tool that you should use in conjunction with job posting websites and local newspapers. That tool is a company website. It is a very important tool to use when searching for a job.

In today’s society, which is based on the latest technology, many businesses have online websites. In fact, business websites in a way, have become a necessity. Even locally owned and operated businesses have started using online websites to their advantage.  Although we often think of business websites from a customer standpoint, they can also be of help to you as a job seeker. For more information on how, please reading on.

As previously stated, you can find open jobs in or around your area by using online job posting websites and newspaper employment sections. While these resources are nice, the information that they contain may be limited. This is most common with newspaper employment advertisements, as they are often limited on space. Of course, submitting your resume or a job application for a position that you do not know much about, may end up being a waste of time. If you are serious about finding a job, this wasted time is something that you may not have.

Get the name of the company that is posting a job listing ether online or in print and use the company name in a standard internet search. A standard internet search should lead you to websites where that company is mentioned. Often times, a standard internet search will connect you to that company’s online website, should they have one. If you are able to come across their website, it can be a wealth of information.

When examining the online website of a company that you would like to apply to, you will first want to search for any information on employment or careers. This section, if there is one, may provide you with more information on the positions that are currently open in your area. You will find more detailed information, such as job requirements and salary, than you would in a traditional job posting. In fact, you may even find that you are able to submit your job application or your resume online!

In addition to searching for a careers or employment section, you also need to examine the website in general. If you are looking for a career in retail, examine the company’s website to see where they may have retail locations, which type of products they sell, as well as which type of customers they target. This may help make deciding if you should apply for the job advertised online or in your local newspaper easier. For instance, you may find that the company you found a job opening for specializes in selling adult entertainment items. If that the case and if you feel uncomfortable working in that environment, you can simply move on, without having to take any other action.

In addition to helping you decide whether or not the company in question is a company that you would like to work for, you can also use a company website to your advantage later on. If you are contacted for a job interview, there is lots of information you can get from the website that will be able to better assist you. It can give you an idea of your intended job duties or the type of employees the company is looking to hire.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to taking the time to examine a company website before officially submitting your resume or job application. This process is one that should not take too much time; therefore, it is an action that you will only benefit from.


Job Searching: Why You Should Use Your Local Newspapers

In a society where we have become dependent on the internet, many job seekers automatically turn to career search websites or job posting websites.  While these online resources are a great way to go about finding an open job in your area, you need to remember that they are not your only option.  In fact, if you are looking for a new job, you will want to examine your local newspapers, namely the employment sections of them.

As nice as it is to hear that you should examine the employment section of your local newspaper, you may be curious as to why it is so important to do so. What you need to know is that, although, many businesses have started using the internet to their advantage, not all have. This means that there may be a great employment opportunity in your area, but the company behind that opportunity may choose to not use the internet or may not even know how to use the internet to list that job online. You don’t want to take the chance of missing out on any high paying jobs do you?  Since your answer is likely no, you will want to examine your local newspaper and its employment section.

Another one of the many reasons why you will want to use your newspaper and its employment section is because of local businesses.  If you live in a large city or near one, you may have multiple newspapers to choose from, all of which likely focus on a particular area.  If you have your hometown newspaper, you may be able to tell what businesses are the ones with listed jobs. This can sometimes be a little bit difficult to do online. This can assist you, as it can prevent you from applying for any jobs with companies that you know have a bad track record with paying or treating their employees poorly.

Ease of obtaining is just another one of the many reasons why you should use your newspaper employment sections to help you examine all open jobs.  There are multiple locations, possibly even thousands of them, that should sell your local newspaper.  In fact, you may even have a subscription to one of your local papers.  This means that you may already have a newspaper in your possession or it could mean that one will soon be delivered.  If you so, you will want to open it right up and start examining all job listings right away. Since newspapers are commonly read, you really don’t have to go out of your way to examine the job listings inside of them.

Should you decide to take advantage of your local newspapers and their employment sections, you should like the opportunities that you see available.  You will find that most opportunities are local already; therefore, you don’t have to worry about sorting through national employment opportunities.  Depending on the job opportunity or the company in question, you may be asked to mail in your resume or submit it in person.  Should you mail in your resume, you will want to create a cover letter for yourself.  When creating your cover letter, you will want to outline where you learned about the job in question, like from your local newspaper.  This may help you, as it can identify you as a local resident who may be available to come in for an interview at just about anytime.

Should you also decide to use the internet, in conjunction with your local newspapers, you will also want to examine any online editions of your newspapers.  While not always, many newspapers have separate classified advertisements, including employment listings, for their online editions and their printed editions.  This means that you may be able to find additional local job listings by using the internet in conjunction with your local newspaper.  Perhaps, it is best to examine all of your options, but be sure to examine your local newspaper’s employment section.

Job Searching: Should You Use the Internet to Help You Find a Job?

Now that you have decided to get a new job or that you would like to change your current job. If you would like to seek employment elsewhere, you will want to start examining job listings right away.  In fact, the sooner the better.

When it comes to applying for jobs, you will find that you have a number of different options.  One of those options involves the internet.  Unfortunately, when it comes to job searching online, many are afraid to do so or are even unsure as to how they should proceed. If you are wondering if you should use the internet to help you find a job, the answer is YES.                                

As already stated, you have a number of different options when it comes to finding and applying for jobs. What is nice about the internet is that it, alone, gives you an unlimited number of options. Did you know that there are multiple ways that you can go about using the internet to research companies that may or may not be hiring, as well as ways to examine online job listings?

What You Need to Know

The internet is one of the best places you can turn to to help you find job openings. 

When it comes to using the internet, to help you find a job, you will find that you have a number of different options. These options include websites that are commonly referred to as job posting or career search websites, the online websites of local companies, as well as the online editions of your local newspapers.  To make the most out of finding a job online, as well as to have the most opportunities, you will want to try to take each of the above mentioned approaches.

Career search websites are websites that enable you to browse, as well as search through a large databank of job openings. Most career search websites also enable you to search for a particular job, such as a retail manager, as well search in or around particular cites, like your place of residence. Career job searching websites can easily be found with standard internet searches. Additionally, job posting websites are similar to career search websites, but may not allow you to search for specific jobs in specific areas. The nice thing about job posting websites is that not only companies post their job openings. Occasionally, you will find posts made by other internet users outlining an interesting job listing that they came across online. Although the job listing may not be directly from the company in question, you are often provided with the proper contact information.

As ideal as it is to know where to look for job listings online, it is also important that you know the ins and outs of doing so. Just like anything else that you do online, you are also advised to proceed with caution when searching for career opportunities online. If this is your first time looking for a job online, you may not necessarily be aware of scams. Regrettably, in recent years, the popularity of online scams has increased in popularity. While many employment scams are associated with work-at-home opportunities, not all are. Before submitting your resume or a job application, you will have to do a quick research of the company requesting your information. You should try to know as much as you can about each and every company that you decide to submit a job application or an online resume to, especially if you are being asked to provide your social security number. Never provide your social security number to a company that you have never heard of before or one in which you cannot research. Research them online and also ask people most especially your online friends. If you still come up empty handed, it will be a wise decision to move onto other job listings.

As previously stated, you can use online job posting websites or online career search websites to your advantage. When using these types of websites, you will have to take the time to customize your searches. Should you not do so, you can spend weeks shifting through all of the job openings, some of which may be located across the country from you. Many career search websites and job posting websites will allow you to enter in your zip code to give you local job listings. You may also want to customize your search to include a specific industry or a specific job.

When searching for jobs online, you may find yourself presented with the opportunity of submitting your resume or a job application online. This is more than possible to do, but you need to proceed with caution. As soon as you hit the “send,” button, you are often unable to edit your job application or resume. For that reason, you will have to make sure that all of your information is accurate before you submit your resume or application. If you are emailing your resume, you may have to examine each company’s policy first. Some request that you do not submit your resume as an attachment, in fear of viruses. This may require you to copy and paste your resume into the body of an email. If you must do so, review your resume to ensure the original format stayed intact.

It was also mentioned above how you can use company websites to examine open jobs.  You can usually do this by finding the online websites of your local businesses by performing a standard internet search. Your standard internet search should include the names of each business, as well as the city or state that they are located in. Many companies have the jobs in which they are hiring for, as well as information on those jobs, listed on their online websites. Even if you are unable to find any local companies that are hiring this way, you may still be able to sign up for free job alert emails. These emails will notify you when a new position opens up. While this may not happen for a few weeks, months, or years, you have nothing to lose by doing so.

The above mentioned points are just a few of the points that you will want to remember when using the internet to help you find a job.  In most cases, you are advised to use your best judgment.  If a career opportunity that you find online looks to good to be true, it just may be.


Resume: What to Do If You Dont Know How to Write a Resume

Speaking of resumes, are you even using
one? Even if you have started your job search, but you are currently coming up empty handed, you are urged to take a close look at your resume. When it comes to finding a new job or changing careers, it is important that you have a resume. Unfortunately, many job seekers mistakenly believe that job interviews are the most important component of finding a new job. While this can be true in many cases, it is important to remember that a quality resume is what enables you to get a job interview in the first place.  That is why it is important that you not only submit a job application, but that you also attach a resume as well. In short there is no valid application without a resume.

As important as resumes are, there are still many careless job seekers who do not submit them.  One of the many reasons for this is because resumes, especially ones that are considered perfect, can occasionally be difficult to write.  To discover how you can go about writing a professional resume, namely one that will land you multiple job interviews, you will have to continue reading on. Just a few of your many options are outlined below.

If you are interested in developing your own resume, but you are unsure as to how you should proceed, then you have to turn to the internet. Online, you will find lots of websites that are commonly referred to as career websites. These types of websites have information, including tips, on developing a professional resume. You will also find loads of free resume templates online. These free resume templates are used as guides, when looking to create a perfect, resume.

In keeping with finding free resume templates, did you know that many computer programs, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Works, have free resume templates available with them?  If you are using these two programs or other similar ones, you will want to examine your programs templates. What is nice about using your computers template programs is that you often have a number of different options. It is not uncommon for you to find ten or more free resume templates, that come in a number of different styles, already installed in your computer.

As outlined above, if you are looking to create a professional looking resume on your own, you have a number of different options. As nice as making your own resume is, as it is free to do so, you may not have the needed time or you may be unimpressed with your own resume.  If that is your case, you have to consider seeking professional assistance. Using the internet to your advantage is one of the best ways to do this is by, namely a standard internet search. When you are performing a standard internet search, you will have to search with phrases such as resume writer, or professional resume writer.  Although you will have to pay to get the services of a professional resume writer, you and your prospective employers will likely be satisfied with the end result, which should be a great resume!

As outlined above, you have a number of different options when looking to have a professional resume to submit to all prospective employers.  No matter which option you choose, you should find that having a resume, let alone a professional one, should increase your chances of finding a new job.

Resume: Reference Guide

Among all the resume mistakes, it seems the most mistake job seekers make has to do with references.  Although resumes can be complicated and nerve-wracking to develop, they are actually a lot easier to write than originally thought. With that in mind, there are still many problems or complications that arise. For many resume writers that problem has to do with references.

On your resume, there is always the need for you to list references. These references can typically come in two different formats. These formats are personal references and professional references. This is important because many employers actually like to see a combination of them both.  Also, on average, most hiring companies like to see at least three references on their job applications and resumes.

Now that you know what many companies look for, in terms of references on a resume, you will have to start listing your references right away if you have not done that. While this approach is one that you can take, you need to proceed with caution. As previously stated, one of the many mistakes that resume writers make involves their references.  Some of the most common mistakes, as well as ways to prevent those mistakes from happening, are outlined below for your convenience. So please read on.

One of the biggest mistakes that a job seeker, possibly just like you, makes involves listing no references at all.  If you are simply submitting your resume, you may be able to get away without having any references listed, but I bet you will not want to take any chances.  If you are currently still lining up your references, you may want to have the phrases “references available upon request,” under the heading of references on your resume.  Should you fill out a job application and are asked to provide references, you will definitely have to do so.  Omitting information on a job application may cause your application to be overlooked.

Another mistake that many job seekers make, in terms of their resume references, is not asking to use a reference in the first place. That you know Mr B does not just qualify him to be listed among your references.  In almost all cases, you will find that your references are checked.  That is why it is important that you ask each individual that you would like to have listed on a resume or a job application before officially listing them as a reference. You also have to make sure the person will live up to expectation. If you have already submitted your job application and resume, without asking first, you will have to let each individual know, as soon as possible, that you used them as a job reference and that they may be receiving a phone call.  This is important, as you do not want your references to be caught off guard, as it may impact their responses and that can cost you the job.

As already stated, most companies like to see a combination of professional and personal references on their job applications and on all submitted resumes. This is a mistake that many job seekers also make and one that you will want to not make.  For that reason, you may want to consider listing four references on your job applications or resumes.  This would allow you to have an even number of personal references and professional references.

The above mentioned mistakes are common mistakes that many job seekers make when writing a resume for themselves. By keeping these common mistakes in mind, you can ensure that you do not make similar ones. This should automatically improve your chances of landing the job of your dreams or at least a job interview.


The Importance of Cover Letters

As you start to examine all open jobs in or around your area and you are able to find one or more jobs that meet or exceed your expectations, you will likely start submitting your resume.  Before this point in time comes, you will want to place a focus on cover letters.

Speaking of cover letters, have you already developed your cover letter?  If you have not, this is one of the first things that you will need to do.  Unfortunately, many job seekers do not realize the importance of cover letters and the impact they may have on their application.  For more information on why cover letters are so important, as well as tips on how to make the cover letter work for you, you will want to continue reading on.

As for the importance of resume cover letters, you will find that there are quite a number of different reasons why cover letters are needed.  Cover letters are most commonly used with applications that will be mailed in.  When you submit a job application in person, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself to the individual who is collecting them, the hiring manager or the employer.  However, this introduction is not possible when you simply mail in a resume. That is what cover letters are used for. They give you the opportunity to quickly introduce yourself before your resume is read.

Resume cover letters are also important, as they can serve as a backup plan. Although resume cover letters come in a number of different formats, you often introduce yourself, outline how you learned about the job, why you would like to have it, why you are qualified for it and why you are the best candidate for it.  If properly written, a resume cover letter can act as a backup plan. This is important, as to cover the flaws in your resume.  If your resume is difficult to read, the cover letter stands for you. Employers use your cover letter to determine whether or not you should be contacted for a job interview.

As outlined above, resume cover letters are very important and there are a number of benefits to using them to your advantage. As nice as it is to know how cover letters can assist you with landing a job or at least getting a job interview, you may be curious as to what constitutes a good cover letter. A previously stated, cover letters come in a number of different formats. With that in mind, they all have the same goal. That goal is to represent you and sell you as the perfect candidate for the job. When an employer reads your cover letter, you want them to turn the page to see your resume with excitement.

When creating your resume cover letter, you will have to first introduce yourself and mention the job or position that you are applying for. You may even have to outline where you learned about the job opening.  Many employers like hearing this information, as it gives them reassurance that their marketing tactics are working.  You will also want to outline your work experience and skills, and state why you feel you are qualified for the position you are applying for. When you are listing your qualifications and work experience, it is important to only site a few and the best examples, as this information can also be found on your resume.

If you are planning on applying for multiple jobs, you will have to create multiple resume cover letters.  This is important, as not all job opportunities are the same.  You can create a resume cover letter template, but be sure to customize that template each time before submitting it to prospective employers.  Customization and personalization is important, as it can help your resume and cover letter stand apart from all of the rest.

As previously stated, you are advised to submit your resume with a cover letter. This is particularly important if you will be mailing your resume in, instead of submitting it in person.  In fact, you will see that there is hardly a job that requires you to submit you application in person this days and many employers are now starting to require cover letters for mailed in resumes and job applications.

How to Create the Perfect Cover Letter

If you are in the process of finding and applying for jobs, you may be ready to mail out your resume.  It is important to take a close look at the cover letter of your resume before sending out your resume or resumes.  For starters, are you even using a cover letter?

ou will have to refrain from mailing out your resume at least right away, if you are currently not using a cover letter.  Employers expect to receive cover letters attached to all resumes.  In fact, many now require them, especially with mailed in applications. If you are not sure as to how you can go about creating the perfect cover paper that can benefit you, you will want to continue reading on.
When it comes to creating the perfect cover letter, there are a number of important factors to take into consideration.  One of those factors is the job that you are applying for and the wishes of that company. It is common for some employers to give a list of what they want cover letters to include.  If you are given a sample or directions, you have no other option than to follow them.  Not following instructions can result in your cover letter, as well as your resume ending up in the trash can.
As previously stated, a company may have their own preferences as to what they would like cover letters to include. This is because they want only the candidate with certain qualification, skills, experience etc.  That is why you don’t have to use the same cover letter for each resume that you send out.  Instead, you need to create and distribute different cover letters for each employer that you have. You can make a sample cover letter or a template to use, but it is advised that you take the time to personalize each cover letter in one way or another to suit each job requirement.
It is very important for you to personalize each cover letter that you send out to the jobs that you are applying for and the companies in which you are sending your resume to.  For instance, if you are applying for the position of an assistant manager, you will want to plainly state that position. This will automatically give you an edge over your competition.  Customizing each of your cover letters to the particular job that you are applying for is a great way to get yourself noticed.
Another one of the many ways that you can create the perfect cover letter for yourself is by being short and to the point. With that in mind, you will not want to be too short either.  A cover letter should be at least three paragraphs and you should try and keep all cover letters under one page long.  Do not use any colored fonts, as black ink should do.  Also do not use any colored paper for your resume cover letter.  You may think that this catches the eye of those in charge of scheduling job interviews.  Yes, it may, but not always in the ways that you had hoped for.
As for what you should include in your cover letter, give a short list of those your skills and qualifications that are required for the job or position you are applying for. It is also important to keep them short and to the point.  Your resume will go give further detail, but it is still advised that you quickly outline the qualifications and skills that you have.  As previously stated, be sure to focus on those that apply directly to the job that you are applying for.  For example, if you are applying for the position of a legal secretary, you will want to summarize your computer software knowledge, typing skills, transcription skills, and so forth.
The above points are all points that you need to take into consideration, when making a cover letter for your next job application.  In all honesty, any cover letter is better than no cover letter at all, but with cover letters being relatively easy to create, why take the chance.
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