How to Write Your N-Power Assessment Test Successfully ~ ACTIVE JOB24

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How to Write Your N-Power Assessment Test Successfully

This is your guide to a successful n-power assessment test. It is simply, easy to understand and it works.

Since the 2017 N-Power assessment test started, I have been receiving so many questions from candidates asking to know how they can successfully write their assessment test. Hence the reason for this article. It’s quite encouraging knowing that many people want to succeed in whatever they do no matter how little it is. And this made me to embark on a research to bring answers to your questions and help you succeed. Therefore, In this article I will carefully guide you through on how to successfully write your N-Power Assessment.

Please note that everything in this article is based on my research and personal opinion. Moreover, I decided to share it with you after trying it out and it worked… was helpful.

Once it’s the turn of your programme, you are expected to long into you N-Power dashboard with your BVN and phone number (the number you inputted during your registration). See the timetable here to confirm your date. You are advised to login for your test even without receiving SMS. If all the data you provided match with the data on your BVN, only then will you have access to write the test but if you are not able to login it means that you have a conflicting data and that's the end for you.

Congratulations if you successfully log in. I advice you follow these instructions to write your assessment test successfully.

Now before you attempt to write the test make sure you are having a good Internet connection be it personal or at the cafe. Bad internet service will delay you and you may end up not finishing. Someone complained to me that he was unable to select a device before the 5mins given for device selection elapsed. So please make sure you have a good internet connection before attempting the test. It’s also very important you make use of a system because it’s not all smart phones that can run the site smoothly, some navigation may be hampered with the use of phones. What if you start the test and notice that you’re not able to navigate freely? Therefore, to avoid issues is better you use a laptop, you can easily connect it to your phone data using Bluetooth tethering but if you don't have, I advice you use the cafe. It’s worth spending that N500 or less on. However, if you insist on using a phone, please use a good browser. Google chrome is the best.

First you have 11 questions to answer in 20mins. The first question is always about the grade you graduated with. For example, first class, upper credit, lower credit, second class upper and lower etc. so this shouldn’t take you up to 10secs to select, and then you are left with just 10 questions with approximately 2mins for each. Believe you me, the questions are very simple. It just requires that you be smart and fast.
Here are screenshot of the log in process.

First you go to the npower official website “”. Select “Test” from the menu and Choose your Programme. Or Visit the N-Power Official Portal by CLICKING HERE it will take you directly to the LOGIN PAGE
Input your data (phone number and BVN) and log in

You have something like this on your dashboard. Check the date given, if it’s already the opening day then click to start the test but if it’s not log out and wait for the date given.

Once you click to start it will take you to the next page

Again click to start – N-power assessment. Then you will be taken to the assessment test page.

When you finish and submit you will see a page like this;

Then you can now go back to your dashboard and click on choose device

After choosing device you see a page like this;

I advice you choose Afri-one (2 in 1) or Samsung tablet

Now let me give you the trick, whether you are making use of your system or the cafe it will work for you, however, you have to be smart and very fast. From my findings, most of the questions are just to test your English knowledge and where the problem normally set in is when you’re given a definition and asked to select a word from the options or when given an acronym and asked what it stands for. In any case if you don't know it there is nothing you can do about it. And even if you know it, some of the option will make it confusing and doubt will set in. But here is the solution. Before logging in open a good browser on your phone. Now once you meet such question, quickly search it on Google. This shouldn't take you up to 12secs. For instance;
Question text
_________is an area of fairly level high ground which can also be called a 'table land.
Select one:
  1. None of the above
  2. a plateau
  3. a highland
  4. a platform
Now looking at this question, highland and plateau may be confusing, all you need to do is type one of them in Google search box and if search result corresponds to the definition given then that's your answer or better still just type in 'tableland' and Google will give you the definition with synonyms. That simply solves the problem. This have been experimented and it was really helpful and even saved time that was supposed to use in cracking brain thinking of the answer because it takes just few seconds to get the answer. You don’t need to start reading, just the front page of Google search result contains the answer you need. See the screenshots bellow.


Here is another example;
Question text
The acronym ITF stands for
Select one:
  1. Industrial Training Fund
  2. Independent Training Fund
  3. Industrial Teaching Fund
  4. Industrial Training Field
This very confusing even though you may know the answer but confirming your answer will put you on a safer side. Typing ITF in the search box didn’t take me up to 10secs, and see what Google gave me;

This is a very simple method and it gives you more time to tackle other questions. In short, the two examples above came from the first two people that applied this method and they had much time to go through their answers over and over again, that’s why they could copy the examples above. So don’t be surprised if you see any of these questions in your test question. I believe this article will help you too. Click here to access more N-Power assessment test questions.

Hope this was helpful? I would love to hear from you, your questions, comments and how helpful this is to you. Use the comment box below. Also subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss any of our articles again.

NOTE: Once you Login, your time start counting. Click only the options which you think are correct and submit.

Wish You Success


  1. Thanks for giving us this useful information. Fantastic post.

  2. This is great, unique and very informative post; I like it. thanks


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