Job Searching: Why You Should Use Your Local Newspapers ~ ACTIVE JOB24

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Job Searching: Why You Should Use Your Local Newspapers

In a society where we have become dependent on the internet, many job seekers automatically turn to career search websites or job posting websites.  While these online resources are a great way to go about finding an open job in your area, you need to remember that they are not your only option.  In fact, if you are looking for a new job, you will want to examine your local newspapers, namely the employment sections of them.

As nice as it is to hear that you should examine the employment section of your local newspaper, you may be curious as to why it is so important to do so. What you need to know is that, although, many businesses have started using the internet to their advantage, not all have. This means that there may be a great employment opportunity in your area, but the company behind that opportunity may choose to not use the internet or may not even know how to use the internet to list that job online. You don’t want to take the chance of missing out on any high paying jobs do you?  Since your answer is likely no, you will want to examine your local newspaper and its employment section.

Another one of the many reasons why you will want to use your newspaper and its employment section is because of local businesses.  If you live in a large city or near one, you may have multiple newspapers to choose from, all of which likely focus on a particular area.  If you have your hometown newspaper, you may be able to tell what businesses are the ones with listed jobs. This can sometimes be a little bit difficult to do online. This can assist you, as it can prevent you from applying for any jobs with companies that you know have a bad track record with paying or treating their employees poorly.

Ease of obtaining is just another one of the many reasons why you should use your newspaper employment sections to help you examine all open jobs.  There are multiple locations, possibly even thousands of them, that should sell your local newspaper.  In fact, you may even have a subscription to one of your local papers.  This means that you may already have a newspaper in your possession or it could mean that one will soon be delivered.  If you so, you will want to open it right up and start examining all job listings right away. Since newspapers are commonly read, you really don’t have to go out of your way to examine the job listings inside of them.

Should you decide to take advantage of your local newspapers and their employment sections, you should like the opportunities that you see available.  You will find that most opportunities are local already; therefore, you don’t have to worry about sorting through national employment opportunities.  Depending on the job opportunity or the company in question, you may be asked to mail in your resume or submit it in person.  Should you mail in your resume, you will want to create a cover letter for yourself.  When creating your cover letter, you will want to outline where you learned about the job in question, like from your local newspaper.  This may help you, as it can identify you as a local resident who may be available to come in for an interview at just about anytime.

Should you also decide to use the internet, in conjunction with your local newspapers, you will also want to examine any online editions of your newspapers.  While not always, many newspapers have separate classified advertisements, including employment listings, for their online editions and their printed editions.  This means that you may be able to find additional local job listings by using the internet in conjunction with your local newspaper.  Perhaps, it is best to examine all of your options, but be sure to examine your local newspaper’s employment section.


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